Right now is the time, for a short time, to gather dandelion greens while these wild edible yard weeds are tender and delicious. Once the dandelion leaves get too overgrown, they just don’t taste as pleasing. This morning we gathered a bunch of dandelion greens. Most likely you will find these common edible yard weeds […]
Thrifty Herb Garden: What, Why, and How
Do you like fresh herbs, but hate how much they cost at the grocery store? Here is a great idea- take matters into your own hands by making a thrifty herb garden! The thing about this window herb garden idea is you alway have herbs on hand for gourmet additions to your meals. It is […]
Black Bean Quinoa Burger Recipe
I decided yesterday to totally “wing” it, by creating some vegan burgers without sorting through cook books and magazines. So let this little blog article be “veginspiration” to you that you can actually make a vegan burger without a recipe! But, of course, I will give you this delicious black bean quinoa burger recipe, for […]
Tree Bark Decor Ideas And Tips
Here are some tips for using tree bark in interior design for home decoration. Upcycling tree bark which has fallen off trees in your back yard, woods, roads or even sidewalk, is an ingenious and no-cost way to create and enjoy the best art work available to man, nature! This costs the environment nothing, as it is […]
Growing Hazelnuts: A Wise Tree Choice For Homestead & Health
Are you happy when you can grow something that you don’t have to buy? Do you like nuts? Do you like a quick return on investments in your gardening and tree planting? Then, you just may want to plant hazelnut trees! The edible hazelnuts are a versatile, tasty food with good nutrition. They are even […]