Yep, it’s getting close to that time again – pumpkin carving time! Time to get out the tools and carve a great Jack-O’-Lantern! These tips for carving a pumpkin jack o lantern will take you from start to fantastic finish. Us Youngblood Men usually wait until close to Halloween to carve our pumpkins. It really gets my son into the spirit […]
Three Tips To Teach Reliability For Kids
The road to being a great man starts with being a good boy! The journey to responsibility starts with small steps early in life. And that journey often begins with three great core principles. Dependability, accountability, and reliability. All three are pretty much the same thing. When you break them down and they all come back to the same […]
4 Steps To Comfort An Upset Child
Is your child upset? Comforting children can be difficult. Lately, I have been dealing with my son and his emotions. Fourth grade homework has been a rocky road so far as he has struggled with getting work done on time. Plus he has been sad this week because his mom left after her recent visit. […]
11 Ways You Are Failing As A Parent!
School is in session… are you failing Parenting 101? Do you wonder, “Am I failing as a parent?” I am never one to judge or question somebody’s personal parenting style or wisdom. Hey, they are your kids, you do what you want. Good or bad, right or wrong. You ultimately have no one to congratulate (or […]
How To Really Listen To Children And Communicate Effectively
All of my work centers around communication – whether it be coaching clients, consulting businesses or teaching parents. I firmly believe that great communication skills can make the world better and change your life, both personally and professionally. With that said, I think there are two main areas where parents can use a little help when it […]
7 Reasons You Should Talk To Kids About What Is Going On In The World
Have you ever thought about what to say to your kids about the news and what is going on the world? Or how to talk about the world with your children? It’s a tough subject sometimes – especially with all the negative things happening right now on planet Earth. You can’t avoid the hard topics with them […]
How To Recognize And Encourage Kids Strengths
My nine year old son is at math camp this week. Yep, math camp. It wasn’t exactly the destination that he was hoping for but it is turning out great all the same. A surprise to me since he struggled a little early in his school career with math and a surprise to him because […]