We are really careful about skin care and putting sunblock on ourselves and the kids. The little boys wear swim shirts (AKA rashguards) and are almost never out in the sun without shirts on and the big kids are reminded to put sunblock on several times a day. Even as strict as I am about sunblock, one or more of us still will end up with too much sun or the occasional sunburn and it’s never fun. When I found myself looking for sunburn pain and itch relief, I decided to make my own Homemade Natural Sunburn Relief and I’ve never had a sunburn heal so fast! Here is my new favorite essential oil recipe for sunburn plus five more useful homemade sunburn remedies that you may have on hand. I hope you find these home remedies for sunburn helpful.
No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider with any questions you may have. If you have not used essential oils before, always be sure to do a patch test for any sensitivities.
DIY Natural Sunburn Relief Recipe
Sunburn can be an uncomfortable and painful reminder of too much sun exposure, leaving skin red, inflamed, and sensitive. While prevention is always best, natural remedies can provide soothing relief and help the skin heal faster. Trying a sunburn relief recipe with coconut oil and essential oils can provide soothing, natural healing without harsh chemicals. Coconut oil is deeply moisturizing and contains anti-inflammatory properties that help hydrate and repair sun-damaged skin. When combined with essential oils like lavender (which calms irritation) or peppermint (which provides a cooling effect), the mixture offers a gentle yet effective way to ease discomfort. Plus, using natural ingredients ensures a toxin-free approach to skin care, making it a great option for those with sensitive skin.
- 1 Cup Coconut Oil
- 30 drops Young Living Lavender Oil
- 10 drops Young Living Peppermint Oil
- 6 drops Young Living Panaway Oil
When I found myself with a terrible sunburn earlier this summer, the Homemade Natural Sunburn Relief took the redness away faster, eased my pain, and I didn’t experience the itching I usually do with a sunburn. My skin also didn’t peel like it typically does when I burn. I’ve never had a sunburn fade and heal as fast or feel as comfortable.
How To Make Essential Oil Sunburn Relief Recipe:
If your coconut oil is solid it may be best to use a mixer to combine but if your coconut oil is in a more liquid state you can mix the combination together easily with a spoon. Warming coconut oil causes it to melt.
Mix the coconut oil and the essential oils together until smooth.
How To Use:
It’s best not to apply coconut oil immediately after a sunburn, as it can trap heat in the skin and worsen inflammation. Instead, follow these steps:
- Cool the skin first – Use a cool (not ice-cold) compress, take a lukewarm shower, cool bath, or apply aloe vera gel to help draw out heat.
- Wait until the heat subsides – Once your skin feels less hot to the touch (usually after a few hours), then apply the coconut oil and essential oil blend to lock in moisture and the promote healing process.
Apply this natural sunburn relief cream to clean, dry skin generously. You may wish to reapply every few hours. For extra cooling relief, store the mixture in the fridge for a few minutes before applying. Avoid excessive rubbing. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water as sunburns usually go hand in hand with dehydration.
We spend a lot of time outside, whether it’s playing in the backyard or playing at the beach.
With that blonde hair and fair skin, even the best sunblock applied often still leaves their skin dry and sensitive after too much sun. We always use a waterproof sunblock and make sure to reapply as directed but the sun reflects off the water and the water tends to dry their skin out quickly.
Even if you aren’t suffering from a sunburn, this Homemade Sunburn Relief will make your skin feel soft and refreshed after a long day in the sun.
5 More DIY Sunburn Remedies
If you don’t have any essential oils on hand, you may like to try one of these other homemade sunburn relief suggestions.
A little too much sun and you can develop sunburn. Sunburn is caused by two wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light UVA and UVB. Prolonged and repeated exposure to these UV rays can increase your risk of developing a type of skin cancer called melanoma. The initial symptom of sunburn is redness of skin and pain in the affected area. The sunburned skin usually feels hot to the touch. If the sunburn is severe, there could be swelling and blisters. Here are a few natural ways to soothe sunburned skin and relieve the pain and inflammation that follows after overexposure to the sun. (Consult a healthcare professional if needed.)
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel is one of the best natural remedies for soothing sunburned skin, thanks to its cooling, anti-inflammatory, and hydrating properties. Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and polysaccharides, it helps speed up healing while reducing redness and discomfort. Applying pure aloe vera gel directly to sunburn provides instant relief by drawing heat away from the skin and creating a protective barrier to lock in moisture. For best results, use fresh aloe from the plant or a store-bought gel with no added chemicals or alcohol, and reapply several times a day to keep skin hydrated and promote faster recovery.
2. Oatmeal For Sunburns
This multi-purpose grain can soothe sunburnt skin, apart from other benefits. In order to make the mixture, oatmeal should be cooked with a little more water than usual for a more fluid consistency. This mixture should be liberally applied to the burnt area only when it has completely cooled. You should be careful not to rub the mixture onto the damaged area because oatmeal also has exfoliating properties that can harm the raw skin. The layer should be left on the skin until you get the degree of relief you want. Then, it should be washed off with cold water.
Finely ground oatmeal can be mixed with bath water to reduce inflammation. Oatmeal can be powdered in a food processor or a blender until it has a smooth consistency.
3. Yogurt Soothes Sunburns
Use live cultured plain yoghurt to reduce the inflammation caused by sun’s ultraviolet rays. It contains probiotics and enzymes that promote cell repair and healing, cool the skin, and restore pH balance. Flavored yoghurt or varieties with additives should be avoided since they do not have the properties of plain yoghurt.
A thick layer of chilled yoghurt should be applied on the damaged area and left on until it turns warm. Once the pain and pinkness has reduced, you can wash it off with lukewarm water or gently wipe it off. For more relief, several layers of yoghurt can be applied. If the pain does not sufficiently reduce with one application, it can be reapplied until adequate relief is obtained.
A paste of barley, yoghurt, and turmeric is more effective than only yoghurt in soothing sunburns.
4. Black Tea For Sunburned Skin
Tannic acid and theobromine present in black tea helps draw the heat out of sunburnt skin. Also present are catechins that repair skin damage.
A towel soaked in lukewarm black tea can be applied to the sunburnt area. Alternatively, one can also make a bath with tea bags and soak the affected area in it. If the eyelids are sunburnt, you can use chilled, used tea bags to soothe them.
5. Milk Soothes Sunburns
Research has shown that the fatty acid and lactic acid content of milk promotes healing of skin. Full cream or half cream milk should be used since it has a higher proportion of fatty acids.
Cold milk dipped in a cloth should be applied to the burnt skin and left on for a while. Once the cloth becomes warm, it should be replaced with a fresh cloth. It has been reported that milk can soothe sunburn overnight.
Natural Ways To Soothe Sunburned Skin
From cooling aloe vera to antioxidant-rich green tea, gentle, plant-based solutions can reduce discomfort without harsh chemicals. Whether you’re dealing with a mild burn or more intense irritation, these natural sunburn relief methods can help restore your skin’s health and hydration.
There are several other natural ways to soothe sunburned skin such as cucumber, apple cider vinegar, tomatoes, baking soda, witch hazel, and egg whites that can also soothe sunburn. All these substances work using the same principle of accelerating skin cell repair and reducing inflammation. Do you think you will try these natural sunburn relief ideas? What is your favorite way to soothe sunburns naturally?
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