My kids share a small bedroom so we wanted a bunk bed for them. There are many types of bunk beds for kids and different bunk beds work better for different shapes of rooms and for different needs. Bunk beds have gained in popularity because of their space-saving and multi-purpose benefits. Here are five types of […]
Family Home Decor
Home interior decorating, interior design tips and tricks, and family room decorating ideas. Make your house a home with the best home decorating tips. Simple home decor ideas for families.
Modular Closets Review: Bedroom Closet Organizers
Have you ever seen those fantastic walk in closets with all the rows of shoes, the drawers to hold your treasures out of sight, the wood closet shelving, and the top over bottom hanging? Yes, you know, those closets that leave you longing for such an organized, tidy closet? Well, now you can have one! […]
How To Display Kids Art
Chances are, your children are always creating art projects, whether at home on a rainy afternoon, at school, or at a friend’s house. Choosing to display kids artwork is not only a fun way to put a splash of color in your home, but it also shows them how much you value their talents. They’ll […]
Shiner Wooden Photo Blocks Make An Easy Gallery Wall
When making a space really feel like home, it is often the personal touches that do so. A photo gallery is a great addition to a home because it surrounds you with some of your favorite memories. Photos that you can see and touch always hold a special place in our hearts. Gallery walls are […]
My Southern Home TV Show
Are you saving ideas for dream home interiors? I have to admit that I sometimes do that on Pinterest. I mean when inspiration strikes, I save it for later. After all, I bet everyone one of us would love to upgrade at least a few rooms in our home to turn it into a dream […]
A Beautiful Photo Of Nashville Skyline
My husband and I just celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary. I got him a beautiful photo of Nashville skyline for his man cave! It was by a local Nashville Landscape Photographer, Craig Alexander. I enjoyed meeting the artist behind the Nashville photos and learning about his life and journey to become a successful Nashville Photographer […]
Pinterest Home Decor Ideas That Will Make You Swoon
Let me start by saying that I have a very nice home and while I am grateful for it, I still day dream of a nicer home! You know, one that looks like I put a lot of effort into making it so fabulous. Yes, as I scroll through Pinterest, I am always captivated by the beautiful […]