As a lover of the great outdoors, I believe it is very important that we teach our children the principles of leave no trace. If you are wondering what I mean when I say “leave no trace,” I mean that visitors to natural areas should leave no evidence of human activity behind them. It is a term […]
Green Living
Green living ideas, eco friendly cleaning tips, eco friendly home ideas, and going green tips for the eco-friendly family and eco friendly kids.
Go Green At School With These Eco Friendly School Supplies
Everyone is getting on the GREEN bandwagon and I’m the first to applaud this initiative. After all, it’s in our best interests to reduce waste and decrease our dependence on scarce natural resources. With back to school on everyone’s mind, I’ve put together a list of eco-friendly school supplies to help parents with going green […]
Simple Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe
I’m always looking for ways to save money AND be a little nicer to the environment. Many times, these two concepts go well together. A few years ago, I took a good look at the products I was using, both for personal care and house cleaning, and did a bit of research to figure out […]
How To Cool A Room Without Air Conditioning
Instead of being dependent on the air conditioner this summer, try a few of our simple approaches and keep cool without air conditioning! Not only will you be teaching your family about sustainable living, but you can trim your energy bills and put those savings back in your vacation fund! I grew up in a […]
Paper Consumption Statistics and Paper Recycling Statistics
I am all for recycling! I believe that more people would make more of an effort to recycle if they realized how important recycling is. Paper recycling can make a huge impact on reducing the use of virgin resources. Here are some paper consumption statistics to give you an idea of just how much paper […]
How To Recycle Amazon Packaging Materials
With so many people resorting to having things delivered in order to stay #saferathome, lots of folks will be receiving bubblewrap envelops or boxed filled with different types of shipping packing. I thought I would review the shipment packaging types and the best ways to reuse, recycle, and/or store them. Here’s everything you need to […]
5 Benefits of Outdoor Solar Landscape Lighting
When we first moved into my house we had landscape lighting that was electric. I disliked it because it added to our electric bill, the wires would come unburied, and the bulbs would burn out. We have now installed new solar yard lighting and we really enjoy it. Here are a few benefits of outdoor […]