Paying for clothes, groceries, books, gas and other household items can get hectic when working with a small budget. The truth is, rarely does the amount spent on buying these everyday items go hand in hand with the budget planned. That is why coupons are so great! A great deal of money can be saved […]
Health family lifestyle. Tips for a better family life, balance work family life. Healthy family living advice so you can reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan Strategies
One of the big health trends that is catching fire right now is Intermittent Fasting (AKA IF or IF fasting). As Healthline points out, “People are using it to lose weight, improve their health and simplify their lifestyles. Many studies show that it can have powerful effects on your body and brain and may even […]
Rent-a-Romper: Clothing Subscription Box For Toddlers And Baby
We all know that little babies grow so fast! That is why Rent-A-Romper was invented. It is a super cool toddler and baby clothing subscription box that focuses on providing a kids capsule wardrobe at a fabulous price. So you can have cute essential clothing for your little one with none of the hassle of […]
Sight Word Practice Ideas For Beginning Readers
If you are unfamiliar with the concept of sight words, they are words that beginning readers learn to memorize to help them build reading confidence. In Tennessee, where I live, there are 40 kindergarten sight words that kindergarteners need to master. A sight word is a word whose spelling is not always straightforward and memorizing […]
Homeschool Reading Curriculum Made Easy
This year is very unique in that more parents than ever are working to homeschool their children. It is essential to discover learning tools to make this process easier and help you stay on track with curriculum goals. That is why I am very happy to introduce you to the sponsor of the post- Reading […]
Questions To Ask Your Mom
We are all a product of our experiences and we naturally approach life in ways that are reactions to the things we have learned so far. Like it or not, our parents play a huge role in who we become. We may chose to be like them or not like them but both are a […]
Unicorn Chex Mix [A Fun, Cheerful Snack Recipe]
Unicorn everything is very trendy these days and why not? We could all use something pretty that evokes feel good emotions! So here is a recipe for Unicorn Chex Mix. It features pink, blue, and purple candy sprinkles, and unicorn horns. This cheerful snack mix is loaded with tasty sweet flavors balanced with some saltiness […]