Teaching empathy to kids is a valuable skill that can help them understand and connect with others. There are several effective strategies to foster empathy in children. As a parent or a children it is our job to model empathy ourselves. Show empathy in your interactions with others. Let your kids see you being kind, […]
Effective parenting tips for toddlers to teens. Information to help you develop good parenting skills. Best parenting tips from a variety of experts on topics such as single parenting tips, attachment parenting, parenting styles, and discipline.
Best Bible Verses About Parenting Responsibilities
Looking for a bible verse about parents so you can draw some inspiration? Encouraging and growing your child’s faith starts at home. Your kids watch what you do, listen to what you say, and try to copy you. Every parent has experienced their child repeating something they said or did when they didn’t think their […]
Self-Acceptance Activities And Exercises For Kids
There is no question that self-esteem and self-acceptance are critical to an individual’s happiness. As a mother, I want my kids to strive to always deliver their very best but at the same time, I want them to be able to accept their limitations and feel good about themselves. According to Lorrie Shepard, self-acceptance is […]
Parenting Teen Boys- 10 Things You Should Know
Looking for advice on how to deal with a teenager boy? The teen years can be a bit challenging for any parent. There is always a push and pull as your child is starting to assert their independence, sometimes through inappropriate, dangerous ways. While teenage boys still very much need your attention, parenting advice and […]
Helicopter Parent Meaning: Exploring the Definition and Impact
In today’s fast-paced world, the term “helicopter parent” has gained significant attention in discussions about parenting styles. Helicopter parents are characterized by their over-involvement in their children’s lives, often hovering closely to monitor and guide every decision and action. While this approach stems from a deep desire to ensure their children’s success and safety, it […]
When And How To Buy First Bra For Your Daughter
As a parent, we learn to deal with all matter of uncomfortable topics. Somehow, puberty is one that still makes most of us cringe a bit. After all puberty is a sign that your little one is growing up! Those can be hard changes to face. However, such topics are important to face head on. […]
Best 10 Ways to Prevent Summer Slide Learning Loss
Summer is now upon us and kids will be enjoying a long break away from school. No more early morning starts, pop quizzes or homework assignments! Instead, there will be family vacations to enjoy, playing outside with friends, and hours of kid’s TV shows to catch up on. Absolute bliss for many kids! However, returning […]