You set goals for your personal achievements, for your work, and for fixing up your home so why wouldn’t you set objectives for your family? Goal setting is a great practice that keeps you aiming higher and achieving more. It is hard to get somewhere if you don’t know where you are going. Family goals are worth setting because they help unite everyone under a mission and provide a roadmap for how to get there. Here, I share information about why goal setting with families is important and provide family goal examples as well as a free printable for a goal setting worksheet.
Family life can be stressful and overwhelming if the whole family isn’t being supportive of one another. Everybody is moving in different directions, doing their own thing, making their own plans; when do you find time to take care of what matters most, quality time with your family? That’s were family goal setting can come in. To help make sure everyone is playing for the same team in an effort to reach a common goal. Or if you are a young couple just starting a family, goals can help you get used to the tremendous changes and stay in unison with your partner.
What are Family Goals?
There are two types of goals you can set as a family. You can set goals for things you want to do together like how to spend family nights and vacation time. Or, you can set goals for how you want to work together as a family. For instance, you can create a goal to give everyone the same amount of screen time so there’s no more arguing over whose turn it is at the computer. You can even help older children with individual targets that the family can help support them in reaching. Having goals for family helps make sure you keep looking forward to stay on track and improve family life.
Setting family goals requires the cooperation of the entire family to be successful. Establishing and working towards goals encourages open and regular communication, which can improve understanding and resolve conflicts. Furthermore, goals for family give everyone a sense of direction and purpose, helping to ensure that the family is working together towards a shared vision. I will share a few family goals examples below and then talk more about how to set objectives.
Family Goals Examples
What are family goals examples? Well, here are 10 smart goals to get you thinking about what specific goals might be right to make with the important people in your life. These family goals examples may inspire you in creating your own lists of intentions for the upcoming year. Use these examples to get you started thinking about things that you want to achieve as a family.
1. Be Active in Your Church
Attend weekly services and participate in church events or a community service project.
2. Deal with Conflict
Set a goal that will help your kids work through conflict resolution in a mature and responsible manner. Every family experiences conflicts, but setting a goal to handle disagreements in a constructive and respectful manner can contribute to a healthier family environment.
3. Create a Family Financial Plan
Financial goals may include savings, investments, education, travel, etc. You might like to use this family financial plan workbook to help you.
4. Generate Sufficient Income
Fights over money can lead to family stress and divorce so this is an important goal. Come up with ways that you can easily increase your household income and reduce spending. Achieving financial stability is a common goal for families. This might involve budgeting, saving, and planning for the future to ensure a secure and comfortable lifestyle.
5. Maintain Open Communication
When your kids feel safe telling you anything, they’ll be more truthful and open with you. Setting a goal to improve communication skills and foster a supportive environment where family members feel comfortable expressing themselves can contribute to a stronger bond. Open and effective communication is vital for a healthy family dynamic.
6. Work/Life Balance
Set a goal of the maximum hours you’ll work in a day or a week to give you work/life balance.
7. Family Health and Fitness
Maintaining physical and mental well-being is crucial for a happy family life. Setting goals related to healthy eating, regular exercise, and emotional well-being can contribute to a balanced and vibrant family lifestyle. How will you work together as a family to eat healthy and stay fit? What health objectives would you like to reach?
8. Family Night
Spending quality time together is essential for building strong connections. Whether it’s through family outings, family night, or shared meals, prioritizing time for meaningful interactions helps nurture relationships. Set a goal to make sure you have at least one family night a week where you do something fun together like watch a movie or play board games. Let younger kids help with picking everyday activities they would like to do for quality family time.
9. Family Meals
Set a goal to enjoy a certain number of meals together as a family without any distractions. Family dinners are a great way to deepen your family bond and create a fun routine.
10. Extended Family Time
Establishing and maintaining family traditions and rituals can create a sense of continuity and shared history. These can be as simple as holiday celebrations, annual vacations, or regular family reunions. Decide what works best for your immediate family according to where extended family members live. Maybe a monthly get together would be a nice goal or a yearly family vacation if they are far away.
What examples of family goals would you add to this list? Make sure to include both short term and long term intentions so you are able to achieve things without getting discourage and so that you have things to stretch for.
Why Is A Family Goal Important?
Why is goal setting with families important? Happy families don’t just happen by chance, they take work, focus, healthy habits, and decision making. As the parent, it is your job to guide your family and create a loving and supportive home. While everyone participates in reaching the goals, the goals originate with your decisions about what you want for your family.
Once goals are created and everyone’s on board with working together, it creates a family bond that builds trust, love, and respect. When should you start? Now’s a good time! Getting started is always the hardest part so go ahead use this as your starting point. Get it over with so you can get that much closer to a happy family!
How to Set Goals For Family
Setting goals doesn’t need to be difficult, but it does require some decision making about what’s important to you. Your goal ideas should reflect your family values. Here is how to set new short-term goals and long-term goals.
1. Decide What You Want for Your Family
This is a time to come together as parents and decide what you want for your family. What do you want to achieve together over the next several months, the next year, the next few years? These goals can have an end result like “we want to take a cross country road trip” or be ongoing goals like “we want our children to show each other respect.”
2. What Would You Like to Copy or Avoid
Think about other families you know, or even families you watch on TV, what do they do that you want your family to do as well. What do they do that you want to avoid? Look for examples of things you like or don’t like in other families and set your objectives accordingly.
3. What are Your Challenges as a Family
Where do you see your family struggling? What do you wish your family did better? The answers to these questions will help you define goals that you want to set. Achieving goals requires collaboration and teamwork, teaching valuable skills such as compromise, negotiation, and mutual support.
4. Don’t Forget the Most Important Goals
Keeping your family bonded, healthy, and happy should be at the top of your family goal setting. Be sure to set goals that include fitness, healthy habits, encouragement, appreciation, gratitude, and being social together. Working towards and achieving goals creates shared experiences and memories, which can be cherished for years to come.
Printable Family Goal Setting Worksheet Template
You may also find this Family Goal Setting worksheet helpful to plan family objectives as a team. You can print the family goal planning template pdf here or pin the image above for later. These printable worksheets are perfect for bringing to your next family meeting. They are the best way to teach your kids about personal goals and objectives that can be accomplished only as a family unit.
Starting a family tradition of goal setting may be hard at first but it gets easier as you all know what to expect and become better working as a team. The goal setting template helps everyone get on the same page. It is similar to a personal goal development worksheet but you get to put initials of the family members who are working on certain things. That way you all stay in communication and can help each other out. Working through challenges and setbacks in the pursuit of goals can help build resilience and problem-solving skills in family members. Finally, achieving goals can be incredibly rewarding and motivating. It can help boost the overall morale and positivity within your family.
“Family goals” typically refer to the aspirations and achievable goals that a family sets for itself to create a fulfilling and harmonious life. I provided several family goals examples to get you started. However, these objectives can vary widely depending on the values, priorities, and circumstances of each family. You can plan family achievements and it feels great to have something to work towards together as a team. It’s important for each family to tailor their goals to their unique circumstances and values. Regular communication, collaboration, and flexibility are key to successfully working towards and achieving these life goals.
Family goals are a great way to create a solid foundation. Working together will build mutual respect and trust as well as a strong family bond. As your kids get older and they can participate more in helping to reach goals, the specific goals will evolve and change. Be sure to gather family members on a regular basis for goal setting so you all know what to expect. It is a wonderful part of the process to watch the growth as you move from accomplishing small goals together to taking on larger challenges. What fun family activities will you add to your list of goals?
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Pranshul Mittal says
This article truly describes the importance of setting family goals. This part of strategic planning process is a positive way to build a strong foundation. Liked it very much.
Our family goal is to be actively involved in our community, whether through volunteer work, charitable activities, or other forms of community engagement. This instills a sense of social responsibility and connection.
After reading your post, I think I will set another goal to be prioritizing education and personal growth. I have teens and I will have an empty nest in a few years so this will involve encouraging academic achievements, pursuing continuous learning, and supporting each family member’s personal development.
Parenting is a difficult task and can feel consuming sometimes, here are my suggestions for how to feel more fulfilled as a parent. Please visit: to read more blogs like this one.
Maxime Hirthe says
Keep up the fantastic work! Family goals can include personal development objectives for each member, promoting growth and self-improvement. Having a shared sense of purpose can help create a strong family connection.
Kidzonia says
At Kidzonia, we believe that setting family goals is a wonderful way to foster growth and unity. Our school encourages families to create meaningful objectives, and we support this by nurturing each child’s development and helping them reach their full potential. By aligning family goals with educational aspirations, we create a collaborative environment that benefits everyone.