We’v always wanted to have a big garden. Growing up my dad always grew a lot of the veggies our family ate and my father-in-law had the most beautiful edible garden. This spring we started early with seeds inside and ended up with several plants for our garden boxes. We lost several of our zucchini […]
Hurom Juicer Review: Experience Benefits Of Cold Press Juice
If you are looking for a Hurom review, you should know that they make 9 different juicers. How do you pick the right one for you? Well, Hurom has this handy dandy juicer quiz where you answer questions about what is most important to you from clean up to what types of things you will […]
List Of Essential Baby Clothes For Hospital Bag
Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your new baby. You must be ecstatic about the big day! Yet, do you know which kinds of clothes you should have in your hospital bag? If not, continue reading as we discuss the most vital clothes you must pack for the baby’s delivery. First, I will discuss the details […]
Delightful Cranberry Orange Scones Recipe
I’d never really had a scone I liked before these. Many scone recipes that I tried seemed dry and just a bit bland. Recently a client I bake for asked me to make some cranberry scones for her for a holiday season brunch she was planning, so I gave it a try. They came out […]
10 Creative Rewards For Kids
Just as adults like to be rewarded for a job well done, children should be rewarded as well. Despite the fact that many children take an active interest in learning and getting high marks on their own, positive reinforcement is essential to maintain this interest over long periods of time. One aspect of parenting is […]
How to Attract Birds to Your Yard
Bird watching can be a fun family activity. Children tend to love wildlife and encouraging an appreciation of nature is an important concept for parents to teach. Before you start your bird watching adventures, however, you need to know how to attract birds to your yard. Staring out the window at nothing will only lead […]
DIY Bug Balm: Natural Insect Repellent for Your Family
Two years ago I started making my own natural insect repellent spray and anti bug balm for our family. After getting tired of staring at all the many not-so-great-for-you bug sprays at the store and trying to find one that didn’t contain harmful ingredients, I gave up! Making your own homemade bug spray and DIY […]