Earth Day is coming up April 22nd and it is my goal to make green choices all year long. Going green all begins with mindset. Once you and your family decide to make caring about preserving, protecting and restoring our natural world a family value, the rest is easy. Decide that you will do the […]
What To Do With Old Clothes That Cannot Be Donated
It always feels so good to go through your closets and get them cleaned out and organized. It helps to start with a thorough decluttering session and make a bag of clothes you no longer fit or wear. The best places for donation are Goodwill, the Salvation Army, other charity stores, or local shelters. However, […]
Recycled Plastic Soap Dish For Shower From MamaGaia
The artisan soap dish from MamaGaia is truly inspiring. When you think of all the effort that goes into collecting used plastics, shredding them, creating color combinations, and molding them in oder to make each completely unique recycled plastic soap dish, you’ve got to be impressed. MamaGaia Recycled Plastic Products was created in order help […]
Paper Consumption Statistics and Paper Recycling Statistics
I am all for recycling! I believe that more people would make more of an effort to recycle if they realized how important recycling is. Paper recycling can make a huge impact on reducing the use of virgin resources. Here are some paper consumption statistics to give you an idea of just how much paper […]
How To Recycle Amazon Packaging Materials
With so many people resorting to having things delivered in order to stay #saferathome, lots of folks will be receiving bubblewrap envelops or boxed filled with different types of shipping packing. I thought I would review the shipment packaging types and the best ways to reuse, recycle, and/or store them. Here’s everything you need to […]
Are Capri Suns Recyclable? How To Recycle Your Trash!
Here is something totally cool I just found out about! TerraCycle is the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste. TerraCycle works with over thirty major brands in the U.S. and in a growing number of other countries to collect used packaging and products (chip bags, candy wrappers, juice pouches, pens, […]
Are Ziploc Bags Recyclable? The Answer May Surprise You
Lots of people want to know, “Are Ziploc bags recyclable?” Well, the short answer is yes and here are all the specifics you need to know. I love green living so when I heard that Ziploc® brand bags are recyclable, I was totally excited to help spread the word! That is right, Ziploc® bags are […]