The sky has provided inspiration for many artist from Van Gogh to Dali. Whether it is a pale sunrise, a cloudy midday, a rosy sunset or a blue starry night, the sky makes a beautiful painting. Your child will have fun painting what he or she sees in nature. I love helping children express their creative […]
art project for kids
What To Do With Old Crayons
This Easter rabbit craft is the perfect activity to do with your children. If your house is like mine, there are random crayons in every nook and cranny and most of them are broken or half used. Here’s what to do with old crayons! Gather up all those old/mostly used crayons and get ready for […]
Painting With Ice Cubes – Fun Summer Art Projects For Kids
Even when it’s hot outside, my kids want to be outdoors! They love fresh air as much as I do and would honestly rather be doing outdoor activities rather than laying around inside all day. (I actually like the sound of laying around but that’s not an option with my adventurous kids!). So I always […]
Marbled Leaves Shaving Cream Crafts
The air is getting cooler in many parts of the country. The leaves are starting to change colors and fall off of the trees. Pumpkin patches are starting to pop up and seasonal flavors are filling grocery stores! This time of the year is so great! Fall is a wonderful season. Fall crafts are fun […]
Tissue Paper Stained Glass Craft For Kids
Lots of kids love tissue paper crafts because they are so much fun and so colorful. Today I’ll be sharing a fun and easy stained glass craft made with tissue paper. Faux stained glass is so fun to make. There is no wrong way to make it and everyone’s stained glass craft will be unique! […]
Easy Watercolor Banner Art Craft Project For Kids
This watercolor banner is a fun art craft for kids. First, they get to work on a creative art project and then they get to craft a fun way to display their art! I have stacks of my children’s artwork in a pile in our garage. I recently found my circular punch and decided to […]
DIY Foam Paint And Art Projects For Kids
Kids love exploring, learning, and getting to be creative through art projects. While coloring is a staple art activity for kids, this fun 3-D foam paint art project offers an exciting new twist to art for kids. These foam art projects will have your child saying hello to fluffy, puffy, do-it-yourself DIY foam paint! It […]