Meal prep is all about preparing whole meals or even just parts of meals in advance. Meal prep is often used by those that have busy weekdays. With a little ahead of time prep on the weekends, things are so much easier for weekday dinners. From chopping veggies ahead of time, to measuring out ingredients into one […]
cooking tips
Benefits Of Meal Planning Plus Tips To Get Started
Meal planning is all the rage these days and with really good reason. If you are wondering, “Why is meal planning so important?’ The answer is that learning how to make a meal plan has so many advantages. In fact, there are so many benefits of meal planning that it is hard to not sound like […]
How To Cook Dry Beans In A Slow Cooker
Slow cookers are such handy dandy kitchen tools! I just love mine. Slow cookers are the perfect way to cook dried beans from scratch. I love doing this as opposed to buying canned beans for several reasons. Dried beans are so cheap! Cooking dry beans yourself can save you a ton of money. I also […]
How To Make A Perfect Fried Egg
Erika Wassall, the Jersey Farm Scribe here with how to make the perfect fried egg sunny side up (without flipping). I am talking about how to cook a “fried” egg with out frying it in a bunch of oil or butter. Yeah… sounds crazy, I know. But, it is the breakfast favorite for myself and […]
How To Use Coriander Seeds
Erika Wassall, The Jersey Farm Scribe here, bringing you information on what coriander seeds are and how to use coriander seeds. Let’s talk about Coriander seeds, an intriguing, versatile spice that adds a depth of flavor to everything from chili to your favorite cookies. Coriander seeds are a versatile spice that adds a warm, citrusy, […]
Food I Have In My Kitchen To Make Meals Easier And Better
Erika Wassall, the Jersey Farm Scriber here with foods you should always have in your kitchen. I know cooking everyday can be tedious. As the clock gets closer to 5:00 and you realize you don’t have a dinner planned, tensions can rise and you can start struggling to figure out what you’ll throw together. You […]