If you have a yard, you can have 6 chickens that will provide your family as much as 1/2 dozen eggs a day for your family. This gives you enough for your family and enough to share a few with neighbors and friends. Beginners, raising chickens in your backyard is totally doable and you will […]
Basement Window Well Ideas For A DIY Natural Splash Guard
In life, it starts to become evident that God (nature) has a way of solving things with ingenious solutions which naturally use the least effort and produce the optimal results. When ever this happens in my gardening and landscaping, I do not take credit for coming up with ingenious ideas, rather wisdom has pointed out […]
Wild Poke Salad Recipe (Poisonous Raw)
I love foraging for “edible weeds” and harvesting the bounty that nature provides. It is the season for poke salad greens and I have made cooked poke salad (aka Polk Salad) many times before. This time I thought I would try something new and unusual so I have a polk salad recipe with a twist- […]
Dandelion Poem: The Springing Of The Dandelion
Spring is here and dandelions are suddenly popping up and starting to bloom. Their bright yellow flowers turn into the iconic wish flowers that make children everywhere happy. I remember the first time someone told me I could make a wish on a dandelion before blowing the seeds to the wind. It was like a […]
How To Cook Dandelion Greens- Wildly Edible Yard Weeds!
Right now is the time, for a short time, to gather dandelion greens while these wild edible yard weeds are tender and delicious. Once the dandelion leaves get too overgrown, they just don’t taste as pleasing. This morning we gathered a bunch of dandelion greens. Most likely you will find these common edible yard weeds […]
Thrifty Herb Garden: What, Why, and How
Do you like fresh herbs, but hate how much they cost at the grocery store? Here is a great idea- take matters into your own hands by making a thrifty herb garden! The thing about this window herb garden idea is you alway have herbs on hand for gourmet additions to your meals. It is […]
Growing Hazelnuts: A Wise Tree Choice For Homestead & Health
Are you happy when you can grow something that you don’t have to buy? Do you like nuts? Do you like a quick return on investments in your gardening and tree planting? Then, you just may want to plant hazelnut trees! The edible hazelnuts are a versatile, tasty food with good nutrition. They are even […]