Is your child struggling in school? What do you do when your child is failing or getting bad grades in school? When your child does poorly in school, it can feel confusing and frustrating. You just know, “My child is smart but not doing well in school.” If you are wondering what to do and […]
How To Recognize And Encourage Kids Strengths
My nine year old son is at math camp this week. Yep, math camp. It wasn’t exactly the destination that he was hoping for but it is turning out great all the same. A surprise to me since he struggled a little early in his school career with math and a surprise to him because […]
Teaching Kids Compassion And That They Their Efforts Matter
Your child’s piggy bank can be a great source of learning. Piggy banks are great teaching tools for teaching kids about saving money but they can also be used for teaching kids compassion. Just imagine how powerful it would be for them to learn that their piggy bank can help stop child hunger! Just imagine […]
Five New Year’s Resolutions for Parents
As we enter a new year, I wanted to share with you five great New Year’s resolutions for parents. Actually, I always try to keep these tips in mind – no matter what time of year it may be. These are called the LEARN principles and I think they make a great plan to help […]
What Adults Can Learn From Kids
We are always trying to teach our children. New ideas, new concepts, new ways to do things. But when was the last time you let your child teach you something? The last time you quietly watched them and thought what can we learn from a child? I try to do this as much as possible and you might […]
Respect Vs. Fear In Parenting And Providing Feedback To Children
Let’s be honest, none of us really like criticism. We accept it and, if we are smart, we learn from it. However, even those of us with thick skin cringe when someone gives us words that we don’t want to hear or a judgement on something that we say or do. And if adults hate […]
Why Children Still Need Cursive In A Digital Age
Public schools are starting to remove cursive writing from their curriculum. Typing is being pushed earlier instead, the argument being that cursive is becoming an obsolete skill. With all the added pressures of standardized testing, administrators claim there just isn’t time to teach the practice. These decisions are being made in regards to keeping up […]