Kids love to play instruments. Of course you may not want to pay an arm and a leg to get an instrument for your kid, nor should you when they are still too young and may not care for it properly. A few musical toys or DIY instruments for kids are perfect. All you need […]
10 Characteristics Of A Role Model
While people have the capability to be a rock of stability and achieve feats of human excellence, they also can fall victim to reckless mistakes and poor decisions. Positive role models have a tremendous influence on others. Good role models are like beacons of light that show you the way through their own example. Unveil […]
Why And How To Write A Letter Of Apology For Bad Behaviour
We are all human and we all make mistakes. An important life lesson is learning to recognize our mistakes and apologize for them. This shows that we are capable of self-reflection, empathy, and learning from our errors. On occasion, this can be a difficult task and hard lesson for even us adults. It is important to teach your kids […]
7 Fun Ways to Encourage Outdoor Play
As a parent, many of us wish that our kids would get off the computer or stop watching TV and go play outside. But many of us are so busy that we forget to encourage outdoor play in ways other than yelling, “Go play outside.” However, playing outside is important. Kids need to get that active exercise, […]
Ways To Add Some Natural Home Decor To Your Space
Nature has always been a source of inspiration in interior design. But bringing natural materials indoors is so much more than a trendy home style; nature has so many health and wellness benefits to offer. A few natural elements like indoor plants can boost your mood, reduce stress, improve air quality, and even help you […]
25 Fun Family Home Evening Ideas
Having a family night at home isn’t just a great way to save money, it’s an excellent way to bond. That is, as long as you’re doing things together and not all staring at your devices or watching TV in different rooms. After you have all had a long day at work or school, coming […]
Growth Mindset For Kids- What It Is And How To Change
Few books have as much of a direct impact on a person’s thought process as does Dr. Carol Dweck’s, Mindset. I know when I read it, I found it useful for changing my own outlook on life. Adopting the growth mindset helps us to embrace hard work and new things as an opportunity for improvement […]