Summer is now upon us and kids will be enjoying a long break away from school. No more early morning starts, pop quizzes or homework assignments! Instead, there will be family vacations to enjoy, playing outside with friends, and hours of kid’s TV shows to catch up on. Absolute bliss for many kids! However, returning […]
How to Process Emotions: Top Techniques for Healing & Mental Wellness
When you are learning about emotional states, they seem clear cut- happy or sad. However, as we progress through life, we realize that human emotions can be quite complex. Some of us can can travel along fairly unaware of our emotions until something major happens and we suddenly find ourselves overcome by emotion. At these […]
4th Of July Trivia Questions And Answers
June is almost over which means that July celebrations draw near. It is almost time to prepare for your 4th of July cookout with Flag Cake for family and friends! Take a moment to think about why we celebrate this day and how it came to be. I have included ten 4th of July Trivia […]
Red Pepper Grilled Chicken Sandwich Recipe
It is that time of the year when we all love to grill! After all, cooking outdoors is fun! Not only that but it also doesn’t heat up your kitchen which is great when the summer heat has kicked in. But, let’s face it. The reason we all love to grill the most- is the […]
Communication in Marriage: Unlocking the Secret to a Fulfilling Relationship
Marriage is a beautiful thing. Somehow, in this crazy world, two people find each other and love each other and want to commit to spending the rest of their lives together! Marriage is inspiring and wonderful. But it is also heartbreaking when you feel it start to go wrong. Marriage is worth fighting for. There […]
How To Clean A Bathtub Drain
You may be trying to finish your spring cleaning and just reaching the part about cleaning drains. Or if you have a daughter with long hair like I do, it is pretty much always time to clear a slow bathtub drain! When your bathtub drain gets dirty, it gets smelly and it can clog your […]
Sushi For Kids- Rolls And Recipes
Getting your children to eat exotic food can be pretty difficult, even at the best of times. On the other hand, some kids seem to just love sushi! There are many types of sushi rolls so while some sushi does have raw fish, others do not. Some parents find that kids will suddenly eat all kinds […]