Saving money on clothes can be a smart strategy, especially since fashion trends change frequently. Here are some tips to help you save money on clothing purchases. Back to school clothing is a major concern for many parents because when all is said and done the adventure can be quite costly. Even with all the […]
Green Living
Green living ideas, eco friendly cleaning tips, eco friendly home ideas, and going green tips for the eco-friendly family and eco friendly kids.
RETHINK Water Review: Sustainable Boxed Water Carton
I am really passionate about this post y’all. Here is a boxed water product that I totally support. You all know what a problem water bottles are and how so many end up in landfills or oceans. Well, RETHINK Water has come up with a better product- water cartons that offer all the convenience of […]
3 Essential Oils For Cuts
It’s Summer. Children love to be outside when it’s warm. There’s lots of running and jumping and climbing and skipping! There’s also another thing that comes with summer and all the fun activities that kids get into…ouchies! Cuts and scrapes are just expected when they play outside. There are always a few falls during their […]
How to Make Natural Insect Repellent That Works
There are so many bug sprays and insect repellents to choose from! Sometimes it can be quite overwhelming to make a decision. Last summer I really focused on what I was putting on my body and also more importantly my children’s bodies…from lotions to body wash to sunscreen and even bug spray. There are far […]
Gardening For Kids: Tips, Tricks, And DIY Kids Garden Set
The birds are chirping, the grass is growing, and the bees are buzzing; it is time to do some gardening! I don’t think there is anything more satisfying then going out to your own garden and picking your own fruits and vegetables. Gardening is one of my favorite outdoor family activities and it is a great […]
Refreshing Homemade Peppermint Foot Scrub Recipe
Get your feet ready for summer with this easy to make all natural, Homemade Peppermint Foot Scrub! The peppermint and lime essential oils make this foot scrub refreshing and cooling to the feet. It’s gentle enough to use a few times per week. Wanting an easy DIY gift to give someone soon? This refreshing foot […]
Haggar Pants Review: Repreve Fabric Eco Friendly Men’s Clothing
I love eco-friendly fabrics and I have written about several types before but today I want to share a newer fabric made from recycled bottles. I am so excited out this eco friendly men’s clothing because it is easy to care for, fashionable, and affordable. Haggar, a manufacturer of men’s clothing, is making sustainable men’s […]