This easy to make carpet deodorizer will become your new friend before you vacuum your carpet from now on! There are a handful of these type products offered in your local grocery stores but there are multiple ingredients in all of them and I don’t even know what some of the ingredients are! This DIY […]
Green Living
Green living ideas, eco friendly cleaning tips, eco friendly home ideas, and going green tips for the eco-friendly family and eco friendly kids.
Best Homemade Window Cleaner
I absolutely love making my own cleaning products! Disinfecting sprays, air fresheners, DIY carpet deodorizer and even homemade window cleaner! I have been using this homemade window cleaner recipe for 3 years now. I think it is the best homemade window cleaner because it is non-toxic and a streak-free window cleaner! It’s also super simple […]
Eco-Friendly Baby Nursery Ideas And Tips
As Mary Mason said, “A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die.” When it comes to baby, parents want what’s best. We want the best and safest products. When you think of your little one’s nursery, you should always think […]
Breathe Easy DIY Chest Rub
With winter and flu season in full swing and the chilly air whizzing around us daily, coughs and congestion might be popping up around your home. It’s no fun when kids are feeling crummy and suffering from cold symptoms. That is why I have a great natural chest rub for you to whip up to […]
12 Cool Ideas For Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping
For those who are looking for a way to go eco-friendly with their gifts, it is easier than you might think. Wrapping paper is not the only way you can wrap you gift for giving. There are actually many ways you can present your gift to a friend or family member while staying environmentally friendly. […]
Jolly Gingerbread Brown Sugar Scrub Recipe…great for gifts!
I’m always thinking of easy DIY gifts that I can whip up quickly to give to teachers, friends, neighbors, etc…this Jolly Gingerbread DIY Brown Sugar Scrub would make a great Christmas gift! Most everybody has fairly dry (often rough) skin in the wintertime. Skin is usually in need of a good exfoliation scrub once or […]
DIY Drawer Sachets With Essential Oils
My closet used to smell slightly musty. It didn’t smell terrible but it didn’t smell great either! I thought and thought about what natural product I could make so that it would smell nice in there. I came up with a really easy fix- DIY drawer sachets. These Lavender Sachets are so easy to make […]