Building blocks are one of the great classic toys. Almost every child is lucky enough to get wooden building blocks to play with. I think they are an all time favorite toy because building blocks have so many developmental benefits for the child. Blocks are also great for lasting a long time and sharing between multiple […]
Green Products
Green products, eco-friendly products, organic products, natural products, eco products, eco green products, best green products.
Unusual Imaginative Toys For Kids
One of the joys and beauties of childhood is imagination. The innocence of childhood allows for uninhibited ideas and imagination helps play out those ideas and develop creativity, free thinking, and problem solving. Here are a few imaginative toys and unusual toys that capture the imagination and give it free reign! Imagination is more important […]
Laica Water Filter Review
I don’t buy bottled water because of the waste that goes with it but I do filter my water. I just found out about a product that is brand new to America – the Laica Mineralbalance™ water filtration system and I liked the sound of it because it filters without stripping your water of essential […]
Amana Refrigerator Review: Stylish And Energy Efficient
My refrigerator was super old and I am really try to make green choices whenever I can so I started looking for a new Energy Star refrigerator. This green choice was a no brainer since it offers so much savings in the cost of my electricity. I also wanted my new fridge to provide a stylish upgrade […]
6 Amazing Lavender Essential Oil Uses For Hair
Over the last century, more people have been discovering the diverse applications of pure Lavender oil. Though there are many different essential oils with different benefits, Lavender is perhaps the most versatile of all essential oils. The many lavender essential oil uses and benefits will astound you. That is why it is my absolute favorite […]