This society we live in so fast paced! It can be a real challenge just to be in the moment. Well, today I have Rachael Todd, who has a certificate in positive psychology and health coaching to share with us some daily mindfulness exercises and great tips for being more present in our lives.Utilizing her unique life experiences, education, and story she advises women on how to discover their best, most authentic selves and to live a more fulfilling life.Her passion is helping women rediscover mindfulness, self-care, and to reclaim those 24 hours in a day without feeling like you’re always ‘running’. Today she will share some quick mindfulness exercises for adults that help lessen anxiety and ground you in the present moment.
Rachael Todd Shares 3 Powerful Daily Mindfulness Exercises
Imagine this conversation…..
“Hey! How are you?”
(shifting bags in one hand and a kiddo in the other, trying to not let that drip of sweat find it’s way to your eye.)
“Doing well, we’ve just been so busy!”
“I hear you.” (no eye contact. No connection.)
“Great to see you! Bye!” (jogging off, anxious to get the groceries in the fridge, knowing one little one will need to be picked up from baseball practice in 45 minutes)
Sound somewhat familiar?
We all have interactions like this, every day.
It feels like we are all always running. Wake up with 0 minutes to spare.
Just in time to prep everyone for the day.
Quick kisses. Rare eye contact. And out the door.
Do you ever feel like you’re the only one who has just 15 hours in their day while everyone else has 24?
Now, I don’t pretend to relate to any moms out there, just yet 😉 as far as the morning shuffle, the carpool, the afternoon pickup, the sports drop offs and pick ups, the figuring out what to feed everyone game, and baths, story time, the tuck ins, the kisses, second round of tuck ins, and finally, falling into bed yourself.
I did nanny for most of my adolescence and early 20’s so I can relate on some levels, but like I said, I don’t pretend to know exactly what you go through.
However, it is my passion in life and nothing gives me more joy, than watching my client’s eyes light up as they start to incorporate daily mindfulness exercises that open up space for deep breathing, a 5 minute meditation, more smiles and eye contact, kinder words, gratitude, stronger connections at home, and even some self-care for the ones running the show. 😉
Too good to be true?
Quick Mindfulness Exercises For Adults To Do Each Morning To Open Up Space In Your Day
Just 3 for now, to keep it simple, right?
Start a family gratitude practice.
Gratitude has scientifically been proven to increase well being, happiness, and the feeling of abundance. It makes a lot of sense that constantly bringing how much you do have to the forefront of your mind changes the way you see your life. You can easily implement this by asking everyone in the family to say out loud what they are grateful for during breakfast and lunch packing time.
Take it an incremental step further:
Keep a family gratitude journal and during bedtime everyone can contribute together. Kids can take turns being the scribe ☺ There are a lot of fun ways to make this a special time that you all look forward to.
Three deep breaths each morning before putting your feet on the ground.
These mindful breaths will bring you to the present moment, you’ll feel more prepared to take on the day, and you’ll be centered. Nothing will be able to knock you off track throughout the day.☺
If your kiddos climb into bed in the mornings they will witness your practice, they may even join in, at the very least – they will sense your calm energy and emulate your behavior. This is priceless. The way that you go on about your day to interact with your spouse/children and others will be influenced by the way you start your day, before you get out of bed.
Take it an incremental step further:
Another of my favorite daily mindfulness exercises? Integrate a meditation practice into your mornings. There are a plethora of guided meditation apps, there are meditation channels on Spotify, the options are endless.
Breakfast time music. ☺
Backpacks and homework folders, pancake syrup on the counter, ponytails and hairbrushes next to the blender. It can be a hectic time, with many tasks happening at once. Perhaps setting up a Bluetooth speaker near the kitchen would be an easy way to carry that calm meditation music into the kitchen. Put on some spa music and change the mood of breakfast. Make an effort to have share some eye contact with your spouse and children. You’ll feel the difference immediately and it will spread through out the family.
Take it an incremental step further:
Visit to have your entire family take the Character Strengths quiz. It’s free and you’ll get your results immediately. There are 24 identified strengths by the VIA Institute. Learning your top 5 are a wonderful way to grow and become a better version of yourself. An even better exercise is to post every family member’s top 5 strengths where everyone can see them and practice ‘strengths spotting’. It’s a fun exercise and you’ll find the strengths of each person in your family to start to become so evident. You’ll notice in your own life where you utilize your strengths the most!
Here is a bonus, just in case you are an over-achiever! Try this Five Senses Exercise. Pause and notice five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.
Mindfulness exercises can help adults reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being. Even implementing 1 of these quick mindfulness exercises will create a shift in your household. Try setting each one as an intention for one month. The habits you create will be noticeable and everyone in your home will thank you for it!
Remember to start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with these mindfulness exercises. Consistency is key to experiencing the benefits of mindfulness. Mornings and nights at home can be enriching, calm, and relaxing. You may also enjoy this mindful parenting checklist. Perhaps, there may even be some time at the end of the day for you to practice some self care for just YOU.
I hope you enjoyed Rachael Todd’s daily mindfulness exercises. May they work to bring your family some morning time peace and happiness in your family life. Which of these daily mindfulness exercises is your favorite?
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Earl says
Nice post. I learn something more challenging on your site everyday.
It will always be provoking to read content from other writers and practice
a little something from their experiences and knowledge. Thanks for sharing these daily mindfulness exercises. #1 is my fav.