DIY Soap for Kids is an easy way to create something fun for your kids to scrub with in the tub! They will enjoy having an animal soap to use. For those kids that might not enjoy bath time, this is the perfect DIY gift to help change that. After making soap for kids, your child […]
Crayola Cling Creator For DIY Window Clings
We love DIY projects and crafts at my house. I use them as both fun projects to keep the kids busy when I have things to get done and as fun projects we can all work on together. I especially like it when the DIY projects can be used as decor. However crafty we are, […]
Teaching Kids To Sew Can Be Easy!
Sewing with kids can be a fun and eco-friendly craft project. There are lots of easy sewing projects for kids to get started. I remember I first learned to sew when I was five years old. It was part of my Montessori kindergarten education to learn to sew buttons onto fabric squares. It is very basic but […]
Journal Ideas: How to Fill the Pages
Do you have any blank journals waiting to be filled? Have you been meaning to start a record of your thoughts and experiences? Sometimes we need a little help finding the motivation and consistency. Maybe you have received a journal as a gift, or bought one hoping to start writing daily. Personally, I just have […]
DIY 4th of July Banner: Easy And Cute Craft
The 4th of July is probably my family’s favorite holiday. Everyone comes together at my parent’s house on the lake for a big celebration filled with friends, family, food, swimming, camp fires, and fireworks. The kids so look forward to it every year and I do too. This year we’re making some extra fun 4th of July […]
DIY Personalized Clipboards For Teachers
A personalized clipboard can be a practical and stylish accessory for organizing work or personal tasks. If you want a to make a custom clipboard, then you are sure to enjoy these DIY clipboard decorating ideas. Teacher Appreciation Day is May 5th and this year I am helping my children make DIY Personalized Clipboards for […]
Tiger Face Paint Tutorial And Face Painting Tips
My kids love face painting. We have stood in some of the longest lines at festivals and fairs because they wanted to get their faces painted. So this year, I am doing face painting for my daughter’s birthday party. I am excited because it is always a popular choice and lots of fun for me […]