I don’t know if it’s just this cold dry winter weather or my scalp is just going through something but I have had such a dry, slightly itchy scalp lately. It’s nothing major but I wanted to make a DIY dry scalp remedy to help soothe and moisturize my scalp and get rid of the […]
diy beauty
Natural DIY Blemish Treatment Recipe
There are so many creams and lotions in stores that it might just be overwhelming to try and find something simple and good for your skin in times when it might need some extra TLC! Many of us get the occasional break out pimple or blemish and it’s great to have something on hand to […]
Nourishing Body Balm Recipe For Dry Skin
I discovered early on in our parenting days that store bought creams/balms were often filled with undesirable ingredients especially products for children! My daughter had really dry skin when she was younger and none of the things friends were suggesting were working at all in clearing up her dry skin. Some products made it even […]
DIY Hydrating Body Oil Recipe
In the winter my skin gets pretty dry. I think that’s common for lots of people. Lotion works great but sometimes I just love using my DIY body oil recipe for even more hydration…especially before bed. This essential oil scented body oil is packed full of wonderful plant based products and oils that are specifically […]
Pumpkin Manuka Honey Face Mask Recipe
I love a good easy DIY beauty recipe! This time of the year, it’s really easy to find pumpkin just about anywhere and it is so good for you so you might as well take advantage of that. This Pumpkin Manuka Honey Face Mask Recipe has only 3 ingredients and you can find two of […]
All Natural Solid Perfume Recipe
If you love making your own beauty products, I think you will love this DIY solid perfume recipe! I remember when I was growing up, my grandmother had this fancy gold compact but it wasn’t make-up. It actually contained a soft floral fragrance in a solid form. She would let me dab a little on […]
All Natural Hydrating Face Serum Recipe
If your skin is often dry and feels like it could use a good dose of hydration, this All Natural Hydrating Facial Serum is a must! I have been using this serum for awhile and really love it. The essential oils in this serum are very good for your skin and include hydrating, antibacterial and […]