As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children financial awareness. This includes showing younger kids how to budget their money from an early age. Including them as a part of the family budgeting plans is a great thing, but it does not relate directly to them on their level. Therefore, helping your kids […]
How To Manage Money As A Couple: The Ultimate Guide
Money is known to be a leading cause of stress in romantic relationships. It can be challenging to merge two financial lives together, especially when each partner has different spending habits, financial goals, and expectations. However, managing money with your partner doesn’t have to be a source of tension in your relationship. It can be […]
Why Now Is The Best Time To Invest In Gold
Are you wondering, “Is now a good time to buy gold?” Well, investing in gold can be an excellent way to secure your financial future. Now is the perfect time to invest, as gold prices have risen significantly over the last few years. Experts believe it’ll continue to increase. This article will explore why now is […]
Tips For How To Get Scholarships For College
As a parent of two teenagers, I can tell you that college is on our minds already and so are scholarships. I certainly don’t want my children to saddle themselves with huge student loans. They know how important a good education is and they know that means giving their studies full effort now. They also […]
List of Essential First Time Homeowner Tips
So you’ve made (or are thinking about making!) the big jump into one of the biggest life investments you will make- buying a home. This will be one of the most exciting chapters in your life but it won’t come stress-free. Owning a house and making it your home is such a fun experience. However, […]
How To Catch Up On Retirement Savings
My Uncle Dale always said that you have to start saving early. And I did. Like a good little kid, I opened a savings account. I saved all my money from odd jobs like crawfishing, candy selling, and babysitting. I saved up around $2000 by college and thought I was super responsible but that disappeared […]
Teaching Kids About Money And Financial Responsibility
Oddly there are very few financial classes offered in most high schools. Financial education for kids is often neglected in any formal setting. It is therefore imperative that we as parents are responsible for teaching children about finances. However, many parents are unsure of what they should be teaching their kids about money and how to […]