April 22nd is Earth Day. It’s also Earth Day’s 54th Anniversary! Wondering what to do for Earth Day? Well, we created a fun project to help get kids excited about Earth Day. The World sees Earth Day as an opportunity to support environmental programs. It is celebrated simultaneously around the globe by people of all backgrounds, faiths […]
Plants That Attract Butterflies: Create Your Own Butterfly Garden
Imagine a scene straight out of a fairy tale: a garden abuzz with the delicate flutter of colorful butterflies dancing amongst vibrant flowers. With the right selection of plants, you can turn this dream into a reality right in your own backyard. In this article, we will explore the secrets to creating a butterfly haven […]
Ways To Add Some Natural Home Decor To Your Space
Nature has always been a source of inspiration in interior design. But bringing natural materials indoors is so much more than a trendy home style; nature has so many health and wellness benefits to offer. A few natural elements like indoor plants can boost your mood, reduce stress, improve air quality, and even help you […]
Ideas For Nature Based Education Curriculum
Once you have children, you become acutely aware of how much things have changed since you were a kid. With all of the modern advances in technology, kids are getting less time outside. It is important to expose your kids to nature for their health and for knowledge about this planet where we live. Below […]
10 Fun Rocky Mountains Facts For Parents And Kids
A new concept in nature guides has just been released by Mark Danenhauer. Jake’s Nature Guide: Rocky Mountains is aimed at parents with kids and non-experts who want a great, easy to use introduction to the natural world of the Rocky Mountains. You can find it at your local bookseller or Amazon (my affiliate link). […]
How To Make Pine Cone Christmas Trees
Crafting around the holidays is a family favorite around here. We like to use nature whenever possible to make all kinds of nature crafts! My kids always love hunting around outside for materials to use! This Pine Cone Christmas Tree craft is so easy to make and a lot of fun as well. You more […]
Benefits of Outdoor Play For Children
As I sit at my desk and look outside on this beautiful fall day, I am thinking what a great day it would be to get outside and just play – for children and adults. I am also thinking about how recently my son has developed some strange foreign disease that seems to prevent him from […]