Self-esteem is very important to cultivate in children. Having self-esteem not only helps in sports, but also in school, personal relationships and eventually in the workplace. Just to be clear, being stuck up or high on oneself is entirely different from having a positive self-esteem which just entails believing in oneself and in one’s worth. […]
parenting tips
Growth Mindset For Kids- What It Is And How To Change
Few books have as much of a direct impact on a person’s thought process as does Dr. Carol Dweck’s, Mindset. I know when I read it, I found it useful for changing my own outlook on life. Adopting the growth mindset helps us to embrace hard work and new things as an opportunity for improvement […]
Parenting A Strong Willed Child
A strong willed child is often regarded in either a very positive light or a very negative light, depending on your preconceptions. So is strong willed bad? I certainly don’t think so. As with most things, there are positives and negatives to being strong willed. An iron-willed child will be resolute and determined. Those are […]
How To Have Positive Mental Attitude And Why
I am a big believer in the power of a positive mental attitude. I know from personal experience that dealing with people that see the glass as half full, instead of half empty, is way more fun and way less draining. A positive mental attitude in others is part of what attracts us to them. […]
4 Ways To Teach Teens How To Dress Modestly
In a culture where teen girls are so often wear super short skirts and exposing midriffs, how do you raise teenage girls to understand the importance of modesty and self-respect? Teaching modesty certainly can feel like a challenge sometimes! However, there are many benefits to dressing conservatively. Here are four ways to teach teens how to […]
Parenting In Modern Times: How To Overcome Fear And Uncertainty
Yesterday, there was a school shooting at a Nashville elementary school. The shooter was armed with two assault-style weapons style weapons and a handgun. That is every parent’s worst nightmare. The thought of it makes our souls quake. And yet we as Americans have not taken action to ban these weapons of mass death and […]
Celebrate National Day of Unplugging With Your Family
I was just telling my kids the other day that when I was a kid, no one had cell phones and not everyone had computers. It is hard to believe that, in a world that is now so dependent on devices. That is why it is a great idea to celebrate National Day of Unplugging […]