It is so important for safety that teens don’t text while driving. Of course, actions speak louder than words, so we must begin to educate young drivers through our own example. That is probably not enough alone. We also need to talk to our teens about texting and driving. Finally, we can reinforce the importance of our […]
Gift Ideas For Teen Girls That They Actually Want
My niece is a very fashion forward teen. She is always sporting the latest trends, playing with new makeup looks, and showing off a variety of fashion styles. Naturally, I get my teen gift ideas largely from her! But what actually inspired me to write this post featuring cool, trendy gift ideas for teen girls […]
5 Ways For Teens To Earn Money
School’s out and summer is finally here. No doubt your teens are excited for the break but in a couple of weeks they’ll be bored and looking for something to do. Helping your teen come up with creative ways to make money this summer will not only teach them responsibility and great financial lessons; it […]
Why I Got An Additional Credit Card For My Teen
My daughter is a teenager and I only have a few more years before she leaves for college! There is so much I want to do with her and so many things I still need to teach her before she goes. A huge priority has been teaching her how to properly budget and creating responsible […]
An Easy Fun Group Game: Zip-Bom
I love playing a good group game. Games seem to lighten the mood and are great for connecting with others. Youth often need a break from academic and social pressures. Games offer a fun and stress-free outlet for them to relax and enjoy themselves. Zip-Bom is a really easy, fun group game my nieces taught […]
The Greenlight Card For Kids And Teens Builds Money Management Skills
Let’s face it. Teaching teens money management isn’t easy but it is essential. Just like everything else, it takes a little practice. I don’t want my kids having to practice balancing their bank account and using credit cards for the first time when they are away at college. I want to let them get practice […]
Dream Board Ideas to Maximize Your Full Potential
I am bringing you a little inspiration for the new year. With a few simple steps, you can make your first vision board full of new ideas for long term goals. Sixteen year old CEO Maya S. Penn who was featured on the Oprah Winfrey SuperSoul 100 List will show you how. She is founder […]