Do you filter your water? I do! Why filter water? First let me say that I try to never buy bottled water because I don’t want to contribute any unnecessary plastic waste to the environment and because I prefer to limit my exposure to plastic. Additionally, I like knowing that my water is pure and […]
How Does Water Help With Weight Loss?
Today, I am so happy to bring you some wisdom from an expert to answer the question, “How does water help with weight loss?” Former TODAY Show personality, Jenna Wolfe shares how you can kick-start your metabolism and even curb hunger with water. She is a mother of 2 and a fitness fanatic who is well […]
Delicious and Refreshing Infused Water Recipes
As summer temperatures rise it is important to remember to drink enough fluids and stay hydrated. Fresh fruit infused water and herb infused water are not only hydrating but contains vitamins that are good for the body! These fruit and herb infused water recipes are great for anyone who wants to drink something more flavorful […]
Laica Water Filter Review
I don’t buy bottled water because of the waste that goes with it but I do filter my water. I just found out about a product that is brand new to America – the Laica Mineralbalance™ water filtration system and I liked the sound of it because it filters without stripping your water of essential […]
Rain Water Harvesting- What, Why, And How
Harvesting and storing rain water can be of immense benefit to homeowners. It ensures that they are able to enjoy access to the water they need without having to pay a utility charge. The harvested water is mostly useful for outdoor irrigation. However, it can even have some indoor uses. Learning more about rain water […]