Interested in the medical field? Maybe your child is in high school and looking to do some career exploration. Or maybe your children have flown the nest and you want to get back into the medical field. Medical internships are a crucial part of medical education and training, providing hands-on experience in clinical settings. Choosing […]
work life balance
Seven Low Stress High Paying Jobs to Consider
Are you looking for a low-stress job that still lets you provide well for your family? Perhaps you’re tired of long hours, tight deadlines, or a high stress environment and you’re looking for a better balance between family life and your career. Alternatively, perhaps your teen wants to gain some work experience and start thinking […]
Career Woman: Finding Balance With Family
Choices about careers and families are much different for women now than they were 50 years ago. Many women today don’t want to have to choose between career vs family. They want both, and society tells us we can have both. But both often means burnout and feeling like you’re not giving enough of yourself […]
How To Get Back To Work
For more than two years, professionals around the world have seen their careers stalled in unexpected ways. Today, this has resulted in almost 41 million people becoming unable to work due to reasons related to the pandemic. This includes business closures, cutbacks, and resignations. Among working parents, this has resulted in a 3% dip in those […]
Caring For Elderly Parents And Avoiding Caregiver Burnout
There are many people who are part of “the sandwich generation.” You know, stuck in the middle of caring for kids under 18, and caring for elderly parents at the same time. For most, that is a recipe for caregiver burnout or at least tons of stress. While we may love our children and our […]