Choices about careers and families are much different for women now than they were 50 years ago. Many women today don’t want to have to choose between career vs family. They want both, and society tells us we can have both. But both often means burnout and feeling like you’re not giving enough of yourself […]
Companion Planting Chart For Natural Pest Control [Free Printable]
Just like people enjoy having a good companion who enriches their lives plants feel similarly. Plants enjoy compatible neighbors next to whom a healthy existence can be easily achieved. When this phenomenon occurs naturally in the wild it’s simply the result of certain species being in the right place at the right time. When gardeners […]
How To Deal with the Death of a Loved One and Grief
Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things you can go through, and yet it’s something that most people will eventually need to cope with. Learning how to deal with death of a loved one is no small feat. Furthermore, every time you lose someone, it’s a different type of pain. This means that […]
How to Ship Luggage and Trunks to Summer Camp
It’s already April and summer is fast approaching. If you are a parent, you know that summer is the season of freedom and fun for kids. A great way to get them exploring out of the house is to send them off to summer camp. Sleep away summer camps are some of the first times […]
Handy Spring Cleaning Checklist And Tips
Spring is in the air and it is time to tackle Spring Cleaning! Some folks dread cleaning while others derive an intense satisfaction of achievement when the job is done. Either way, cleaning is an important part of keeping our homes a healthy environment and making them feel inviting for all. To help make Spring […]
20 Ways To Go Green With Little Effort Required!
Earth Day is coming up April 22nd and it is my goal to make green choices all year long. Going green all begins with mindset. Once you and your family decide to make caring about preserving, protecting and restoring our natural world a family value, the rest is easy. Decide that you will do the […]
Ella Beauty Protein Powder Review: Collagen Peptides
I have become very interested in collagen protein powder lately. I am 46, shhh, don’t tell! And at my age you start to realize you need to take care of your body and provide your skin and joints with building blocks for your best health. That is why my ears perked up when I found […]