I have been using essential oils for over 20 years. I love how essential oils smell amazing but also how they can be used for eco-friendly natural solutions to so many problems. Essential oils are great for DIY projects for cleaning and beauty! When Simply Earth asked me to become a part of their ambassador […]
essential oils
DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray Recipe
Back to school seems to bring out all the germs! Lots of kids in a confined area and lots of hugs and sharing items etc…germs are everywhere! You might have even bought a small hand sanitizer for your child to carry to school with him/her. We have sanitizers stashed everywhere…in the cars, in bags/purses, even […]
Back to School Essential Oils Roller Blend for Kids
Back to school is such an exciting time. Your child gets to see his/her friends, get new school materials and gets to see some of his/her favorite teachers! Although it can be really fun to get back into the swing of school, it might also be a little nerve wracking or cause anxious feelings for […]
DIY Face Roller: Homemade Moisturizer For Glowing Skin
During the Summer months I tend to have dryer skin. Now, that might be opposite of how you feel about your skin. I know a lot of people say their skin is dryer during winter months. My family spends a lot of time outdoors especially in the Summer and the sun really tends to make […]
DIY Calm Essential Oil Cream For Relaxation
The school year is coming to a close! A lot of times that can be pretty stressful for parents and teachers alike. Maybe you aren’t involved in the school scene but are often stressed after a long work day. I’ve got a perfect and very simple recipe for a lovely essential oils calming cream. This […]
All Natural DIY Mouthwash Recipe
If you are like me, you probably aren’t really into those mouth rinses at the store that completely burn the inside of your mouth! My eyes use to water and my throat would sting afterwards. Not cool! That’s because of the high amount of alcohol in most of those commercial mouthwashes but what is just […]
DIY Home Treatment For Dry Scalp- Easy Remedy
I don’t know if it’s just this cold dry winter weather or my scalp is just going through something but I have had such a dry, slightly itchy scalp lately. It’s nothing major but I wanted to make a DIY dry scalp remedy to help soothe and moisturize my scalp and get rid of the […]