If you are interested in complementary medicine, you will be excited to hear about structured silver solution. My mom has always been into in a healthy lifestyle through food, exercise, and supplements. Naturally she passed this interest on to me. She introduced me to colloidal silver many years ago. New structured silver solution is actually […]
Vitiligo Skin Condition- Can It Go Away?
You may be curious about vitiligo because you heard the term and what to know, “What is vitiligo?” Or maybe someone told you they had it and you wanted to know if it is contagious (it’s not). Or more distressingly, maybe a loved one was diagnosed with it. I found myself in the third category […]
Types Of CBD and Best Forms Of Use
Nowadays, CBD (cannabidiol) infused products are becoming a common way many people all around the world encourage wellness. Whether it is a pain, anxiety, dry skin or sleep issues, CBD is considered an effective yet natural solution to help address various mental and physical complaints. CBD forms of use include edibles, tinctures, topical applications and […]
Liquid Einstein Review: Natural Energy Drink Powder
As a parent, we are always on the go. We don’t have just our own lives to manage and coordinate, we have to do it for the whole family! Being a parent uses a lot of energy whether it is waking up with babies, keeping up with toddlers, corralling young kids, or talking to your […]
Vitiligo Supplements- Gingko Biloba and Recouleur Vitamins
My son has vitiligo. I heard him telling a friend about it when he was in kindergarten. “What’s that?” the friend pointed at his knees and asked. “It’s a condition where your skin loses pigmentation,” my son answered. His friend crinkled his nose and said, “What?!” It is no fun having to explain why you […]
Teami Greens Review – Superfood Powder Is An Easy Healthy Habit
Eating veggies daily is a healthy habit. In fact, this one healthy habit can have a huge impact on your well being. As CBS News points out, “a new analysis finds that eating more than five servings of fruits and veggies per day can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, and early death.” But […]
Best Multivitamin Supplements For The Whole Family
Since vitamins are essential to life and good health, it stands to reason that a good multivitamin would make helpful dietary supplements. I like to take multivitamins because even though I try to have an active lifestyle and eat a healthy diet, I know I’m not perfect. The question then becomes how do you choose […]