We all love music. If you have ever seen a toddler start swaying along to music you realize just how innate our enjoyment is and how music really can move you- literally! Music can also be very educational for kids. From improving eye-hand coordination, to learning to hold a beat or melody, musical toys for kids have tons of benefits. Children love becoming involved in making music and it is a great self-esteem building project. Here are six musical toys for kids that have great sound quality and durability. This post about musical toys for kids is brought to you by Oh! Toys.
6 Great Musical Toys For Kids
These musical toys for kids are great for the youngest student or even the professional musician. They have great sound quality. They can be used by toddlers beginning to learn about music and they can be used in more structured ways for elementary school kids to begin to learn about rhythms and melodies. In fact, these xylophone, glockenspiel, and drum suggestions are often the first musical instruments that children begin to use as they are introduced to music in school.
Auris 12-Tone Diatonic Xylophone
This 12 tone diatonic xylophone is perfect for making xylophone music kids will love. The music clarity is excellent which will help the enjoyment for the novice and for the more skilled student. The Auris xylophone frames are manufactured from birch wood ecologically harvested in Sweden. The tones are made from Acacia, ecologically harvested in Hungary.
Auris 12-Tone Diatonic Glockenspiel
The glockenspiel is a percussion instrument with tuned keys arranged much like the xylophone except with metal plates or tubes. The glockenspiel can be used to play a tune much like a piano but with mallets instead of fingers.
Auris 20-Tone Chromatic Glockenspiel
The Auris 20-Tone Glockenspiel allows the full chromatic scale with whole notes and half notes. Auris instruments offer legendary sound quality and clarity to delight both student and professional musician. It has all tones between C3 – G4, including half notes.
Trommus Short Drum
The Trommus drums are handmade in Denmark. They are very sturdy drums that are easy for both children and adults to use. Trommus focuses on sound, quality and functionality and the side grooves can be used for additional sound as well as making them easier to carry.
Trommus High Drum
The Trommus High Drum offers a different pitch and is fun to play in conjunction with a short drum. Lightweight and resonant! The Trommus drums feature an unbreakable body and natural skins.
Trommus High X-Large Drum
Trommus drums are easily stored by stacking within larger Trommus drums. Great for the youngest student or the professional musician. You can see a little video of them in use on YouTube.
Whether you are interested in music as a way to make your kids smarter or just as a way to have fun and enjoy themselves, these musical toys for kids are sure to fit the bill and last for years as their musical talent progresses. You can see more musical instruments for kids at oh-toys.com. Which musical instruments for kids do you think your child would like the most?
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