Last week I shared how to make yummy Popcorn Heart Valentine Treats. Today, I have a tutorial on how to make heart garland for Valentine’s Day. It is quick to make and easy enough for the kids to help, especially stringing it together. This DIY Valentines Day garland looks cute hung on the wall, over a […]
New Year Memory Jar DIY Tutorial
Happy New Year! Today is a brand new page in a blank book. While many of us make resolutions for the new year about physical health, weight loss, financial freedom it’s important to make resolutions that are simple and easy to keep as well. One of our resolutions is to take time to recognize the […]
10 Homemade Natural Christmas Ornaments
Are your store-bought ornaments clashing with your tree this holiday season? Maybe they’re starting to look a bit too flashy and you’re looking for some ways to bring some earthy vibes to your home. Are you looking to bring a bit of nature indoors this Christmas season? You know, in addition to the living tree […]
Adorable DIY Gingerbread Ornaments
These sweet little DIY Gingerbread ornaments are a great addition to any tree with their simple design and smiling face. Handmade ornaments just add something special to the holidays and this one is simple enough that even smaller children can make their own and take pride in seeing their creation hanging up there with the […]
25 Beautiful Crafts For Adults To Make
Crafts are an easy way to express your creativity! Crafts for adults are great because they usually involve nicer materials and yield results that you can be proud to use as part of your home decor. Plus, homemade craft projects are usually a big savings over store bought home decorations. Another thing I love about […]
DIY Valentine Door Decorations: How To Make Hanging Hearts
I love a good hack in the crafting world! If there is something I can do to make my project a little easier, I’m all for it! Today’s crafting hack is one of my favorites especially because I really don’t enjoy sewing but I DO love my glue gun! These No Sew Hanging Heart Valentine […]
Jenny Doan Talks About Quilting Keepsakes
My grandparents always had loads of beautiful quilts. Mostly they had acquired them from local artisans or from thrift store finds. With so much inspiration, my Aunt Julie became a talented quilter. While I appreciate the beauty and the handiwork that goes into handmade quilts, I never learned how to quilt myself. I do harbor […]